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English  Courses with Focus on Speaking

Unlock Your English Potential with Expert, Personalized Lessons

Welcome to SuccessSync English, where our primary mission is to help you speak English confidently and fluently. We understand that while reading, writing, and listening are essential skills, speaking is often the ultimate goal for many learners. That’s why our courses are designed to be 50% speaking-focused, ensuring you get ample practice and real-world application of what you learn.

Sorina Graur Teaching English from Keynote Coursebook_

Online Courses


Why Choose SuccessSync English Online Courses?

Starting from the pre-intermediate level, we guarantee a 50% speaking ratio to ensure that as you advance, your speaking skills are always at the forefront.

50% Speaking Activities SuccessSync English

Comprehensive Skill Development

Our lessons cover all essential language skills, including reading, listening, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.


However, what sets us apart is our distinct emphasis on speaking. Here's how we integrate speaking into every aspect of our curriculum:

  • Vocabulary: We teach you new words and phrases through engaging exercises, but we don’t stop there. We ensure you use this vocabulary in various speaking activities to reinforce your learning.

  • Grammar: Understanding grammar is crucial, and we provide interactive exercises to help you grasp the rules. Yet, our primary focus is on helping you apply these rules in spoken English, making your communication clearer and more accurate.

  • Pronunciation: While pronunciation drills make up 10% of our lessons, they are integrated into speaking practices, so you can immediately apply what you've learned.

  • Listening and Reading Comprehension: These activities help develop your comprehension skills, but we always conclude with speaking tasks that allow you to discuss and analyze what you've heard or read.

Lesson Structure

Our typical lesson plan is divided as follows:

  • 10% Pronunciation: Focused drills and exercises.

  • 20% Grammar: Interactive exercises with immediate application.

  • 20% Vocabulary: Engaging activities to learn and practice new words.

  • 50% Speaking: Varied speaking activities, including discussions, role-plays, and presentations.

For beginners at levels A1 and A2, we adopt a slightly different approach to build a solid foundation:

  • 30% Speaking

  • 30% Grammar

  • 30% Vocabulary

  • 10% Pronunciation

Why Focus on Speaking?

We acknowledge that all language skills are important. However, our primary goal is to enable you to use everything you learn in fluent, oral communication. Our experience shows that students who practice speaking extensively not only improve their fluency but also gain confidence in using English in real-life situations.


Yes, this approach might take more time to complete each level, but the payoff is immense. You'll find it fun and rewarding to end each lesson by applying the grammar and vocabulary you've studied in practical, spoken contexts.

Join us at SuccessSync English and experience a unique, speaking-focused English learning journey. Together, we'll unlock your potential to communicate effectively and confidently in English.

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English Level

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Whether you are just starting your language learning journey or looking to refine your English skills, our test is designed to accurately assess your proficiency from levels A1 to C1. Find out where you stand and get personalized recommendations on how to improve!

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Improve Your English Today

Language is the key to new worlds. Together, we'll unlock doors to opportunities, one lesson at a time.


Sorina Graur,  SuccessSync English 

Founder & Teacher

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